In the event of a radiation safety related emergency, please contact the Health Physics Department at ext. 24226, or Security at ext. 88 after working hours.
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Health Physics


The Health Physics Advisory Committee includes members who are committed to radiation safety at McMaster University. This includes not only some Health Physics staff members, but also other individuals within the Faculty of Science.

Name Representative of Voting Member*
Byun, Soo Hyun Physics & Astronomy Yes
Diamond, Kevin Physics & Astronomy Yes
Cappon, Derek Director, Nuclear Facilities & Operations Yes
Igdoura, Suleiman Biology, Pathology & Molecular Medicine Yes
Parise, Gianni (Acting) Faculty of Science No
Knights, Andy (Acting) VP Research No
Sheffield, William Pathology & Molecular Medicine Yes
Valliant, John (Chair) Chemistry & Chemical Biology Yes
Werstuck, Geoff Medicine (TaARI), Biochemistry & Biomedical Science Yes
Zic, Josip Health Physics No