LEP Research Project Summary, CMSR Radioactive Source Term and Real-Time Analysis

Phase 1 – Source Term Characterization
Large scale and radiological source term characterization study of a subset of LLM to precisely characterize this material. Steps include Low Level Waste, CEMSR Sort & Segregate, Spectroscopy, and Low Level Waste Source Term Database.
Phase 2 – Real-time Analysis
Develop real-time spectral data analysis methods for beta-gamma-alpha mixed source terms. Steps include Monte Carlo, Low Level Waste Source Term Database, Real-Time Gamma Spectrometry, Free Release, Processible, and Non-Processible.
McMaster University CMSR Containment Tent
Laurentis Energy Partners’ recent project with McMaster University is a Containment Tent. CMSR stands for the Clean Energy-Materials Sorting and Recycling Research Initiative.

McMaster CMSR High Plume Fan
Laurentis Energy Partners and McMaster University’s CMSR High Plume Fan.