Grand Opening of Fusion Pharmaceuticals Inc. Hotspot Facility

[McMaster University Health Physics team at the HotSpot facility grand opening. From left to right: Praveen Perera, Chad Edwards, Ye Eun Kim, Dave Niven, Derek Cappon, Jonathan Lasica, Josip Zic]
On May 2, 2023, Fusion Pharmaceuticals publicly opened their radiopharmaceutical manufacturing facility known as HotSpot. This new facility provides Fusion with the opportunity to directly develop, and manufacture radiopharmaceuticals based on their research of medical isotopes. Fusion was issued a licence for the operation of the HotSpot facility from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) on March 28, 2023.
HotSpot was made a possibility through a partnership between Fusion and McMaster University. The collaboration between parties allowed them to successfully build and provide equipment for the facility space. The constant exchange of knowledge and resources between institutions enhances communication between research projects focused on developing Targeted Alpha Therapies (TATs).
News - Health Physics McMaster