How to Read Your Permit
All work with nuclear substances and radioactive devices conducted in University laboratories and work areas must be conducted under a Permit issued by the Health Physics Advisory Committee. It is a condition of our licence, and thus a legal requirement, that work be carried out in accordance with approved permits. Here are some helpful tips on how to read your permit.
As important as the permit is the original application and subsequent correspondence used to obtain the permit and revisions to it. Work must be carried out as described in the application.
If you have questions about reading your permit, or you are unsure of whether all of your work is covered by the permit, please contact Health Physics right away.

Retention of Records
Certain records required by the Radiation Safety Program are maintained in laboratories. These records must be maintained until authorization for disposal is received from the CNSC.
We are currently authorized to dispose of the following records if dated PRIOR to 2012 May.
- Purchase Records
- Inventory Records
- Contamination Monitoring Records
- Authorized User Lists
Records must be maintained for any long lived stock solutions still in your possession even if older than May 2012.
If you have any other radiation safety related records that you would like to dispose of, please check with Health Physics staff.